Monday, February 18, 2013

My Garden... in progress

DH and I decided that this was the year to have a garden. So I have been plotting. :D

I used to plot what I want in my garden and how I want to set it up. The list of items I plan on planting feels like it is a mile long. I am in love at least with the planning phase of this project. As I progress in this I also am planning on building raised beds and planting some dwarf trees.

We started composting this winter. Our city is kind enough to give out free compost bins, so I didn't have to figure out how to build one. I got a free one. I will with this post start a weekly series, where I will show you guys my garden in progress it will with time also include pictures of the before during and after. Also the harvest and what we plan on doing for next year.

Who else is gardening with me this year?


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

The lenten time is upon us once more. I have decided to give up processed sugars and also negativity. Meaning that I want to try and be more positive in my life. I want to be able to go into my thoughts and find very little to no negativity. This is lil' man's second lent, but I don't think he is ready to give anything up yet. :D

He is as always being a rambunctios and as he is now almost 17 months, you can only imagine how active he is. Joey also talks a little and has some words both in German and in English.

You all have a great day.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


SO it has been waaaay too long since I have posted, and I will try to keep up better this year.

Little man is now almost 17 months.

My business is booming, and people tell me that I should write more because it is supposed to be relaxing and should help put things in perspective.

So as a first post in 2013, I will share with you how I clean my laundry. :D

Now you may wonder why my laundry cleaning will benefit you, well quite frankly, it is because I make my own laundry detergent. This is the website here called the familyhomestead, where I get my recipe from.
I make a liquid laundry detergent, and it cleans all our clothes and towels etc. I also add vinegar to the machine in a downy ball and it makes my clothes nice and soft.

Talk to you guys soon.